“You don’t put lipstick on a pig!” said Terry Garrett, Brownwood’s street superintendent.
When asked to compare full depth recycling or reclamation (FDR) to the surface treatments he previously used on his streets, Garrett made the following analogy: “Surface treatments versus FDR is like putting lipstick on a pig. You can doll it up all you want, but you still have a pig!”
Like most cities and counties, the city of Brownwood lacked the equipment and resources necessary to completely re-engineer their streets; consequently, Terry had to address his street problems by applying surface treatments. This meant applying underseal and sealcoat and then about a 2-inch layer of asphalt over the existing road surface.
Many of Garrett’s streets are 50 years old or more with crumbling asphalt over little or no base, so he knew his surface treatments would not last. Complete reconstruction