The North and East Texas County Judges and Commissioners Association, founded in 1947, is comprised of 74 counties.
The 2024-25 officers for this region are:

President Larry Woolley
Johnson County Commissioner
First Vice President Jim Lovell
Houston County Judge
Second Vice President Chris Kirkendall
Hardin County Commissioner
Secretary/Treasurer Todd Little
Ellis County Judge
Immediate Past President Wade McKinney
Henderson County Judge
The following counties make up the North & East Region:
Anderson Angelina Bell Bosque Bowie Brazoria Brazos Camp Cass Chambers Cherokee Collin Cooke Coryell Dallas Delta Denton Ellis |
Falls Fannin Franklin Freestone Galveston Grayson Gregg Grimes Hamilton Hardin Harrison Henderson Hill Hood Hopkins Houston Hunt Jasper Jefferson |
Johnson Kaufman Lamar Lee Leon Liberty Limestone Madison Marion McLennan Milam Montgomery Morris Nacogdoches Navarro Newton Orange Panola |
Polk Rains Red River Robertson Rockwall Rusk Sabine San Augustine San Jacinto Shelby Smith Somervell Titus Trinity Tyler Upshur Van Zandt Walker Wood |