In September 2013, I completed 30 years as general counsel of the County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas. In this very interesting position, I continue to learn something every week. These are some thoughts on my experiences:
With the Legislature, the squeaky wheel gets greased. With numerous demands on their resources, the Legislature needs to be constantly re-informed on county issues. With an organized, coordinated effort with other county organizations and direct communications from our members, the CJCAT has greatly improved its standing at the Capitol. Good government requires constant attention from the governed and its leaders. Keep up the effort.
Education has great value. With the adoption of mandatory continuing education and the Advanced Curriculum program, the level of knowledge and training of Commissioners Court members has increased tremendously. These skills are essential to enable Commissioners Court members to lead their county and their community.
So little have we done; so much have we yet to do. Commissioners Courts have made great strides and overcome many challenges, but more opportunities and issues remain. Preserving the quality of life in rural areas while addressing transportation and infrastructure needs throughout the state will require great effort and imagination. Responding to the needs of constituents with resources restricted by a dwindling tax base will require greater efficiency and effectiveness. The ability to adhere to the highest ethics and standards of integrity will continue to be challenged by special interests and disgruntled participants in our political process.
I remain convinced that service in county government will continue to be the most rewarding experience in our careers. Thank you for the continuing opportunity to serve with you.
For more information, please call me at 1-800-733-0699.