April Takes a Toll on the Lone Star State
Looking Back…
Wildfires Scorch Parched Acreage
As of press time, the Rockhouse Fire in Presidio and Jeff Davis counties had scorched 314,444 acres and was 95 percent contained, according to the Texas Forest Service. Twenty-four homes and two commercial structures were destroyed in the Fort Davis area in the initial burning period in early April. Photos courtesy of Tanner Quigg Photography
Andrews County Mourns Local Hero
Family, friends and community supporters in Andrews County honor Sergeant John Castro, 25, who was killed April 22 in Paktika, Afghanistan, after his unit came under attack by small arms fire. Castro graduated from Andrews High School in 2004. Photos Courtesy of Andrews County News.
Courthouse Shooting Claims Bowie Deputy
Bowie County Deputy Sherri Jones died April 18 after a shooting in the basement of the county courthouse in New Boston. Jones was taking 21-year-old Tucker Strickland to a van for transfer to a state facility when Strickland overpowered her, grabbed her gun, shot her and fled in the van. Photos courtesy of Texarkana Gazette
Main Heading for flower/scenic photos:
Focusing Forward…
“From every corner of the state and in every county I see officials ready and willing to face the challenges of today so we can have better tomorrows. Be strong and keep up the good work…there are brighter days ahead.” CJCAT President Don Allred, Oldham County Judge. Photos by Brewster County Commissioner Kathy Killingsworth