87th Legislature July 6, 2021 by 1Judge J, Z and Jim in front of Capitol (1) (1) 2Ben and Rick capitol run same size as 1, can be on opposite side of the spread if you'd like (1) 3TAC breakfast 1 3TAC breakfast 2 3CUC1 3CUC2 4Walk to Capitol run to left of 5, both same size please, big enough to see faces (1) 5inside capitol to the right of 4, same size please (1) 6capitol grill 7capitol directory 8nichols1 8nichols2 8nichsencan1 8nichols3 8nichsencan2 9watching sb10 2 9watching sb10 1 10seliger 11rick 12house floor 12senate floor 13Judge Zeller and Sen. Eck 13.Judge Johnston and Sen. Eck end of spread