Every so often, County Progress asks our distinguished Judges and Commissioners to allow us a glimpse into their public lives, giving us a fresh appreciation for the myriad of roles and responsibilities they shoulder every day. Our thanks to Navarro County Judge H.M. Davenport Jr. for taking the time to visit with us. HISTORY: My family moved to Corsicana when I was … [Read more...] about A Glimpse in the Life of Navarro County Judge H.M. Davenport Jr.
County Focus
Never-Ending Salute – Memorial Day 2019
In the common area of VFW Graham Memorial Post 8567, a “welcome home” table has been carefully laid: white plate, red napkin, and red flower in a black vase circled by a thin yellow ribbon. The table will stay forever set in honor of Danny Lee Widner, who left for Vietnam at age 25 and has yet to return. Staff Sgt. Widner, U.S. Army, was a 1961 graduate of … [Read more...] about Never-Ending Salute – Memorial Day 2019
Veterans Treatment Courts Offes Renewed Hope, Fresh Start
Editor’s Note: On Aug. 28, the Liberty County Commissioners Court passed a resolution to establish a Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) program, as reported in our December 2018 issue. Spencer Walker, a combat veteran who has received services from a VTC, played a role in establishing the program. County Progress would like to thank Mr. Walker for sharing his story.
Howdy from Houston! My name is Spencer Walker; I grew up in Jackson, Miss., and Sugar Land, Texas. My parents retired from MEDVAMC (Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center), with 53-plus years of service. My father is my personal hero, a decorated U.S. Air Force and Vietnam veteran and an Air Medal recipient who is buried at Houston National Cemetery. I am truly humbled by my … [Read more...] about Veterans Treatment Courts Offes Renewed Hope, Fresh Start
A Glimpse in the Life of Refugio County Commissioner Ann Lopez
Every so often, County Progress asks our distinguished Judges and Commissioners to allow us a glimpse into their public lives, giving us a fresh appreciation for the myriad of roles and responsibilities they shoulder every day. Our thanks to Refugio County Commissioner Ann Lopez for taking the time to visit with us.
HISTORY: Refugio County Commissioner Ann Lopez accepts her Commissioners Court Advanced Curriculum Certificate of Achievement from San Patricio County Commissioner Alma Moreno, 2017-18 president of the County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas, and Taylor County Commissioner Chuck Statler, member of the CJCAT Commissioners Education Committee, during the … [Read more...] about A Glimpse in the Life of Refugio County Commissioner Ann Lopez
A Glimpse in the Life of Taylor County Commissioner Chuck Statler
Every so often, County Progress asks our distinguished Judges and Commissioners to allow us a glimpse into their public lives, giving us a fresh appreciation for the myriad of roles and responsibilities they shoulder every day. Our thanks to Taylor County Commissioner Chuck Statler for taking the time to visit with us. HISTORY: Watching my dad serve the needs of his … [Read more...] about A Glimpse in the Life of Taylor County Commissioner Chuck Statler