The County and District Clerks’ Association of Texas (CDCAT) has a membership of 549 which consists of 444 elected clerks and 105 deputies. The purpose of the Association is to promote professional standards, provide education to its members, and participate in legislative, judicial, and executive processes of state government in support of its members. The Association’s members are represented by an Executive Board consisting of five clerks, and a Board of Directors consisting of 16 clerks.
The Executive Board includes a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Immediate Past President. Service on the Executive Board begins with the election of a Clerk as Secretary by a majority vote of the members of the Association at the annual business meeting.
Each year the President retires to the position of Immediate Past President, the Vice President progresses to the President, the Treasurer progresses to the Vice President, and the Secretary progresses to the Treasurer.
President: As the principal executive officer, the President is responsible for general supervision of all business and affairs of the Association, acts as chair of the Board of Directors, appoints chairs and members of standing committees, appoints a Parliamentarian, and signs with other proper officers any contracts, deeds, mortgages, bonds, or other instruments as authorized by the Board of Directors. The President presides at all meetings of the members and Board of Directors and conducts proceedings according to Roberts Rules of Order. The President also represents the Association as a member of the Texas Association of Counties Board of Directors.
Vice President: The Vice President’s responsibilities include establishing and maintaining a roster of credit hours earned by active members, certifying each clerk’s completion of the required 20 hours of continuing education, posting all meeting agendas, and assigning credit hours for approval by the President. In the absence of the President, the Vice President performs the duties of the President and holds all powers of and restrictions on the President.
Treasurer: The Treasurer is responsible for accurately maintaining the Association’s adopted budget and all financial records. This includes deposits, disbursements, reimbursements, travel, fund balances, and monthly bank reconciliations. The Treasurer submits a detailed report of all financial activity to the President and Audit Committee each month. The Treasurer’s report is presented to the Board of Directors at each meeting and includes a budget spreadsheet that reflects deposits, disbursements and fund balances. The Treasurer ensures annual membership dues are paid by the date established by the Board of Directors.
Secretary: The Secretary keeps an accurate record of all Executive Board and Board of Directors meetings. Minutes are presented for approval at the next scheduled meeting. The Secretary serves on the bylaws committee and is responsible for preparing revisions to the bylaws that are presented to the Association members for consideration and approval at the annual business meeting. The Secretary is also responsible for the distribution of ballots to members for annual voting for the Clerk of the Year, Conference City and Secretary.
Immediate Past President: The Immediate Past President provides counsel to the Executive Board, Board of Directors, and members of the Association, and assists in guiding the Association in a positive and progressive manner.
Parliamentarian: The Parliamentarian is appointed by the President to advise the President, other officers, committees, and members of the Association on matters of parliamentary procedure during formal business meetings.
Current Executive Board Officers are:
President: Stacey Kemp, Collin County Clerk
Vice President: Lisa Johnson, Hemphill County and District Clerk
Treasurer: Patti Henry, Chambers County District Clerk
Secretary: Julie Smith, Potter County Clerk
Immediate Past President: Laura Hinojosa, Hidalgo County District Clerk
Parliamentarian: Karren Winter, Archer County Clerk
The Board of Directors provides general oversight and supervision of the affairs of the Association. Duties include but are not limited to: providing direction to the Secretary regarding how proceedings and minutes are to be maintained; appropriate Association funds; determine how accounts and records are maintained; determine scholarship criteria and requirements for the scholarship form; designation of the number and name of educational programs that may receive statutory State expense reimbursement; and facilitate requirements for the Conference City.
The Association is organized into eight regions. Members of each region elect a clerk to represent their region on the Board of Directors. One County Clerk and one District Clerk, or one Combination Clerk in one of the positions, are elected by their region as the Director in Charge and Director.
The Director in Charge presides over the meetings of their region and performs the duties stated in the bylaws. The Director assists the Director in Charge in preparing meeting agendas, providing continuing education hours, and maintaining open communication with the regional members. After one year, each Director will rotate being Director in Charge and fulfill another one-year term. Each region appoints a Treasurer who is responsible for all funds of the region and submits a detailed report at each regional meeting. Each region meets twice a year to provide education and conduct regional business. The regional clerks then elect two more clerks to fill the vacant positions at their annual business meeting.
By Stacey Kemp
Collin County Clerk