Texas counties can tap into federal funds for transportation projects by linking up with their local Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) district offices to spearhead eligible projects.
TxDOT is accepting proposals through the Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program until April 28 for transportation enhancement projects that can now be funded through the federal transportation bill. The federal program provides funding for transportation-related activities that promote the quality of the environment through aesthetic enhancements associated with transportation.
Projects, funded by the federal transportation bill known as SAFETEA-LU, will be selected on a competitive basis.
Approved projects will receive funding on a cost-reimbursement basis. The funding does not constitute a grant. Enhancement projects are eligible for reimbursement for up to 80 percent of allowable costs. The entity nominating a project is responsible for the remaining cost share, including all cost overruns.
Eligible projects must demonstrate a relationship to the surface transportation system through either function or impact. They must go beyond standard transportation activities, incorporating one of the following 12 categories:
pedestrians and bicycles facilities
safety and education activities for pedestrians and bicyclists
acquisition of scenic easements and scenic and historic properties
scenic or historic highway programs (including providing tourist and welcome center facilities)
landscaping and other scenic beautification
historic preservation
rehabilitation and operation of historic transportation buildings, structures, or facilities (including historic railroad facilities and canals)
preservation of abandoned railway corridors (including conversion and use for pedestrian and bicycle facilities)
control and removal of outdoor advertising
archaeological planning and research
environmental mitigation to address water pollution due to highway runoff or reduce vehicle-caused wildlife mortality while maintaining habitat connectivity
establishment of transportation museums.
Applications should be submitted to local TxDOT district offices.
Previously Selected Projects
Project Name: Sidewalks and Pathway Improvements at Four Locations – Victoria, Victoria County
Project Description: This project is to construct sidewalks and pathways at four locations within the city of Victoria. The project will improve mobility for the pedestrian user, improve safety, and decrease the potential for vehicular and pedestrian conflicts.
Project Name: Southern Pacific – T&NO Railroad Depot Restoration Project – Wharton, Wharton County
Project Description: This project will restore a historic railroad depot in the city of Wharton. Upon completion, the facility will be used as the operation center for the Colorado Valley Transit Authority and as a railroad museum to inform visitors on how the railroad helped shape the economic and cultural development of Wharton County.
Project Name: Pershing Square Pedestrian Facility – Yoakum, DeWitt County
Project Description: This project will provide pedestrian improvements and beautification in the city of Yoakum’s downtown business district.
Project Name: Historic North Avenue Trail – Gonzales, Gonzales County
Project Description: The proposed project will branch off the existing trail from downtown, travel up on Business US 183 (Joseph Street), and connect to Pioneer Village at the north end of the city. This project has been completed.
Project Name: MKT Railroad Depot Restoration & Walking Trail – La Grange, Fayette County
Project Description: The project proposes to construct a 1.3-mile pedestrian walking trail (sidewalk) on the city right of way to link the downtown area with historical residential areas and schools. Amenities to the trail will consist of two rest areas, landscaping, benches, trash receptacles, water fountains, informative signs and lighting. The project also proposes to acquire the Missouri, Kansas and Texas (MK&T) Railroad Depot to serve as a railroad museum. The nomination contains documentation from the Friends of the La Grande Railroad Depot of their intent to sell the depot to the city.
Project Name: Downtown Bay City Pedestrian Walkways, Matagorda County
Project Description: This project will enhance the three blocks of the city’s downtown business district.
For more information on the Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program, go to http://www.dot.state.tx.us/des/step/introduction.htm or contact Mark Cross, TxDOT Public Information Office, 512-463-8585.
Application Deadline April 28