At this time most of the state is likely still on alert under a burn ban. We know many of you have been directly affected by recent fires, and we wish you the best in your response and recovery.
Next month after the primaries the next special legislative session will be called, and we will start all over again. The legislators will again pounce on county appraisals and values with renewed effort. It is sad that some legislators don’t have a clue what counties are really about. So it is our job to inform them and educate them whenever possible. I know it is a hard task, but at every opportunity, we need to tell them of the hardships of unfunded mandates and the effect they have on all of us and our constituents as well.
There are many of you who do not participate in politics beyond your own elections. The Legislature makes the laws we go by, and we either sink or swim by those laws. When we do not give our input or voice our concerns, we are like a deer looking into the headlights while standing in the path of an oncoming diesel truck. Please don’t wait for others to do your bidding.
This past legislative session was a good example of what can be done. I applaud all those who came to talk to their legislators and expressed their views and concerns in ways that educated them enough to get them to listen. At least some of them – apparently enough of them – did listen. Be informed when you talk to your legislators because most of the time they are relying on your testimony and input. Even if you don’t believe they are listening, continue to talk to them. Be reasonable, respectful, and show your legitimate concern about bills that are contrary to your counties and constituents.
Each time a new bill comes out of the Legislature, it will affect somebody, somewhere. It’s like the U.S. Congress and our American Bald Eagle. Each time our Congress passes a detrimental law or mandate, it’s like a feather being pulled out of our Eagle. In doing this, our Eagle will soon become a sitting duck, sinking in the water. Compare this to our Legislature, and you will get an idea as to how things can become without our input. So get your legislator’s attention. Now is the time, not after the damage is done.
In your prayers, please remember those who are overseas fighting for our freedom. Pray for the legislators who are about to go into session again. Pray that their decision will be the right ones. Then pray for each other. God bless you all.
Gilbert Pargmann, President CJCAT