Point of Information = allows a member to ask a question relevant to business (but not procedure)
Amend = allows modification to another motion by adding, deleting, or changing words
Parliamentary Inquiry = calls attention to an error in procedure
Division of the Assembly = demands a rising (but not counted) vote after a voice vote
Rescind/Amend Something Previously Adopted = strikes or modifies motion adopted at prior meeting
Point of Order = calls attention to an error in procedure
Adjourn = ends the meeting
Recess = permits a short break
Previous Question = ends debate immediately
Table = temporarily delays a matter when something of urgency arises
Appeal = takes decision from chair and gives to assembly
Postpone Indefinitely = “kills” main motion
Refer = allows a matter to be sent to a smaller group to consider and report back
Postpone = delays consideration of a matter
Limit/Extend Debate = places a limit on the time or number of speakers
Reconsider = takes decision from chair and gives to assembly
Main Motion = brings business before the assembly; permitted only when no other motion is pending
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Parliamentary Inquiry is used to obtain information about meeting procedure.
Previous Question means if adopted by a two-thirds vote, debate ends and a vote is immediately taken
Other than the Articles of Incorporation, the highest body of rules in an organization are bylaws.
A quorum is the minimum number of members who must be present for business to be transacted
A main motion brings business before the assembly
If a member makes a motion that is not in order, the chair may suggest an alternate motion
If the bylaws require an election to be by ballot, this provision cannot be suspended, even by a unanimous vote
Division of the question means to separate a motion into two or more parts, each capable of standing as separate motions
The motion to Lay on the Table can be used to temporarily set aside a motion because something of immediate urgency has arisen, without a time to set to resume its consideration
A meeting at which the proceedings are secret is called an executive session