Consider the following visionary declarations taken directly from the Web sites of two of our nation’s counties:
The purpose of ______________ County government is to be responsive to citizens in providing an appropriate level of accessible services on a cost-effective basis. Critical county values include the following: continual improvement of infrastructure; health, safety, and well-being of the citizens; preservation of natural resources; responsible economic development; leadership; and stewardship.
____________ County will be recognized as THE leader in local government through its excellent service to citizens and quality workforce. We will carry out our duties by respecting citizens, maintaining fiscal responsibility, demonstrating accountability, and fairly and equitably allocating resources.
The messages behind these proclamations are strikingly similar, prioritizing the citizenry, citing fiscal responsibility and promising leadership.
The two states that house these counties are among the five most populous states in the nation and the top five fastest-growing states, as well. In fact, experts predict that the population of both states will double within the next 50 years, and both will continue to experience a significant influx of migrants.
These two states include beautiful coastlines, diverse scenery, and a multitude of tourist attractions. Both citizens and public officials, alike, have exhibited pride in their “great state,” touting the blessings and beauty within their boundaries, not to mention energetic, kind-hearted people.
The Sunshine State of Florida (mission statement No. 1