Section 1. It shall be the purpose of this Association to create a greater interest and to unite its members to promote better business methods in County Government, and to foster legislation that will recognize the general welfare of county government throughout all counties in the State of Texas.
Section 2. To encourage active participation in governmental affairs, particularly that pertaining to county government, by all members of Commissioner’s Courts in Texas.
Section 3. To uphold the principles of good government in Texas.
Section 1. Each County Judge and County Commissioner within the boundaries of this Association shall be eligible to membership in this organization, and each such member shall be eligible to vote in this Association on any question that may arise requiring a vote of its members.
Section 2. Former County Judges and County Commissioners shall be eligible for membership as associate, without voting privileges. Associate members must be current with their dues.
Section 3. Only members who have paid their dues to this Association shall be entitled to vote or to serve on any committee or hold any office of this Association.
Each member county of the Association shall be required to pay annual dues, payable on or before March 15 of each year, to the First Vice-President of this Association for the maintenance and support of this Association. The annual dues shall be set by the officers of the Association and approved by the general
membership at its annual meeting. The First Vice-President shall send to each Commissioners Court a notice of such dues by February 1st of each year. Registration fees of each annual conference shall be additional fees due at the time of registration of each annual conference of the Association to be set by the officers of the Association based upon actual and/or estimated expenses of the conference.
The officers and Executive Board of this Association shall consist of a President, First Vice-President,a Second vice-President and Immediate Past Presidentand each officer shall have been duly and constitutionally declared elected as herein provided.
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the President of this Association, on the first day of each regular session to announce a Nominating Committee who shall on the final day, in the closing hours of the business session of the Association, make a report of nomination for a Second Vice-President, as well as Conference City Committee for the selection of the meeting place for the next annual meeting of the Association. Immediately following the report of said Committees, the President of this organization will hear nominations, if any may be made, from the floor of the convention to fill any of the above named officer or for the next meeting place of the Association.
Section 2. The election of Second Vice-President and all official business conducted by the Board, Committee or membership of the Association shall be accomplished by a majority vote of those members present and voting.
Section 3. The Second Vice-President having earned and built on the responsibilities from the officers and staff immediately ahead of them shall graduate to each succeeding office, ultimately to the office of President, with a cumulative term of three years of experience, unless there is a vacancy. In case of a vacancy, each officer will graduate to the next succeeding office and the Nominating Committee will fill the office of the Second Vice-President.
Section 1. No person shall be eligible to hold office in this Association unless he is an active member of a Commissioners Court in some county within the bounds of this Association.
Section 2. No officer shall receive any compensation for any services rendered in this Association, save and except the whole payment of his actual expenses incurred in the performance of some duty in connection with this Association, when authorized only by the President and First Vice-President of the Association.
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the President to preside over meetings of this Association, to preserve order, to conduct meetings in an orderly and parliamentary manner, to be an Ex-Officio member of each committee appointed and to perform other and further duties as may be requested of him by the Association. The President shall also be responsible for appointing at each annual conference, a Resolution Committee, a Legislative Committee, an Education Committee, a Nominations Committee, a Conference City Committee and any other ad hoc committee that might be needed.
Section 2. It shall be the duty of the First Vice-President to perform the duties of the President in his absence, or in his inability or failure to act, and to assist the President in the performance of his duties, when called on by the President to do so. It shall be the duty of the First Vice-President to keep a correct record of all meetings of this Association and to report it to the next meeting of the Association. It shall be the further duty of the First Vice-President to collect all dues and other monies for the Association; it shall be his further duty to purchase and pay for all necessary stationery and postage and to pay for all other accounts legally contracted and authorized by the President of the Association, and the First Vice-President shall make a report to the Association on the last day of its annual conference, giving a strict accounting of all receipts and disbursements for the past year, together with a financial statement to be spread upon the minutes of the Association.
Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Second Vice-President to perform the duties of the President or First Vice-President in their absence or their inability or failure to act and to assist the President in the performance of his duties, when called upon by the President to do so.
Section 4. If shall be the duty of the officers to have general supervision of all work and the finances of the Association and to serve in an advisory capacity to all committees appointed by the President of the Association.
Section 5. All officers of the Association shall be Ex-Officio members of all committees appointed by the President, and the First Vice-President of this Association shall serve as Secretary to said Committee and keep a permanent record of all proceedings.
This Association shall hold one annual meeting at such place and time as may be selected by a majority vote of the Association, and the President of this Association, acting jointly with the First Vice-President and Second Vice-President, may make such called meetings. The officers of the Association shall fix the time of the annual meeting.
Section 1. This Constitution may be amended at any regular business session of the Association by two-thirds majority vote of the members present, provided due notice has been given, as set forth in Section 2, under this article.
Section 2. No amendment to this Constitution shall be made unless said amendment has been duly presented and read on the floor at a regular annual meeting of this Association on the first day of said annual meeting, and finally offered for adoption at the business meeting of the Association.