West Texas County Judges and Commissioners,
As the economy has become a daily topic in most of our lives, we know
that costs, especially in education, change daily also. With that thought
in mind; the West Texas County Judges and Commissioners Association
is now accepting applications for the awarding of scholarships for
children or grandchildren of current County Judges and Commissioners.
College scholarships in the amount of $1500, $1000, and $750 will be
awarded to three applicants during the Annual Conference in Amarillo
on April 25.
To be eligible for scholarship consideration, applicants must be a child,
grandchild, or under the legal guardianship of a current Judge or
Commissioner. Each of the applicants must be a current resident of a
county within the 118 county member region. Each applicant must be a
graduating senior for the class of 2023 from a high school within the 118
member county region.
Applications will be judged on the following criteria:
* Personal resume
* Letters of reference (3)
* Official transcript
* Completed application form
The scholarship’s funds are not derived from tax dollars collected from
member dues. Instead, funding comes from previous
conference proceeds, not at taxpayer expense.
All entries are to be submitted to Lamb County Judge Mike DeLoach for
Scholarship Committee consideration. All entries are to be received or
postmarked by 5pm, April 1, 2024. Entries are to be sent to:
Hon. Reggie Loeffler
Mason County Commissioner
Scholarship Committee, Chair
2120 Panther Creek Rd
Mason, TX 768