KEY QUESTION: What are the eminent domain reporting requirements for Texas counties?
MAIN REFERENCE POINT: Government Code Chapter 2206, Subchapter D
- In 2015, Senate Bill 1812 amended the law relating to transparency in the reporting and public availability of information regarding eminent domain authority.
- B. 1812 required the comptroller of public accounts of the State of Texas (comptroller) to create and make accessible an internet eminent domain database.
- The comptroller must, at least annually, update information in the eminent domain database.
- The statute requires Texas counties to send information to the comptroller to include in the database.
- Specifically, counties must complete an annual eminent domain report due on February 1.The report must be filed electronically with the comptroller.
- Counties should receive a reminder and a link for filing during the month of January. The link may be accessed at
- Section 2206.155 discusses the penalty for noncompliance, which includes a civil penalty of $1,000 for failure to respond to a written notice of noncompliance.