The Ward County Courthouse was built in 1940 in a Moderne style as designed by Townes & Funk. The Texas Legislature carved Ward County from Tom Green County in 1887. The county was organized in 1892 with Barstow as its county seat. The Pioneer Canal Company housed county business until the completion of a sandstone courthouse and jail in 1893. The courthouse was open for … [Read more...] about Ward County Courthouse
Significant Legislative Activity
With a total of 8,898 bills and joint resolutions filed, the legislative session will definitely include numerous bills with significant effect on counties. Bills often undergo major changes as they progress through the committee and floor process. To receive timely updates, please monitor the Texas Association of Counties listserv. Under Section 5, Article III, Texas … [Read more...] about Significant Legislative Activity
Glimpse in the Life of a Texas County Commissioner
Atascosa County Commissioner Mark Gillespie
Every so often, County Progress asks our distinguished Judges and Commissioners to allow us a glimpse into their public lives giving us a fresh appreciation for the myriad of roles and responsibilities they shoulder every day. Our thanks to Atascosa County Commissioner Mark Gillespie for taking the time to visit with us. YOUR HISTORY: I stand proud to be a second-generation … [Read more...] about Glimpse in the Life of a Texas County Commissioner
Budget Process Requires Careful Planning
This is the time of year when counties usually begin the budget planning process, which includes informing the public. Most counties are on a fiscal year budget, which is from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30 of the following year; there are a few that are on a calendar year budget from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. My article will focus more on the fiscal year. Texas counties must adhere to various … [Read more...] about Budget Process Requires Careful Planning
Significant Legislation – 89th Texas Legislature
With over 5,000 bills currently filed, the legislative session will definitely include numerous bills with significant effect on counties. Bills often undergo major changes as they progress through the committee and floor process. To receive timely updates on significant bills, please monitor the Texas Association of Counties listserv. Under Section 5, Article III, Texas … [Read more...] about Significant Legislation – 89th Texas Legislature